Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Day at Home

Tuesday's around here are nice. We don't have anywhere that we have to be until 3:30 when Izzy has dance class. Pete was out of town last night and I stayed up entirely too late doing nothing. I watched Baby Mama and played around on the computer. Thankfully Izzy didn't come into my room until 7:45 this morning.

We started our morning by Izzy asking to make cookies. I told her we would make Halloween cookies later, but for now she could make muffins. I love the packs where you only add water because Izzy can do the entire thing by herself - including licking the spoon (no egg).

After breakfast the kids played some Sesame Street games on the computer while I showered. Drew had asked to "go in Mama's car" so I figured we could run an errand or two. Our kitchen was remodeled a year ago, and it is only now that I am finally getting around to decorating. I spotted a clock on sale at Target the other day and decided we should go and pick it up. Over the weekend I also began buying curtains. They aren't anything fancy, but I found them at Bed Bath and Beyond and am buying them one at a time using 20% off coupons.
I love Sesame Street because even Drew can play a bunch of the games.

The kids did great in Target and were rewarded by getting to play in the Halloween section. The favorite activity was making a skeleton dance by moving around in front of it. To be a kid and so easily entertained.

Once at home both kids took a bath since Tuesday evenings are a bit hectic. With Pete still gone til late tonight I figured for my sanity I should bathe them early.

Next we got out our Halloween bin that was in the attic (that was the first time I ever ventured up there). I had forgotten all the books I bought the kids last year. They sat for nearly an hour just reading. Izzy is really into reading to Drew and he sits so still for her. I watch, and tear up, as my heart nearly bursts with the love I have for them. I don't know if there is anything more precious then seeing genuine sibling love.

While they read, I made lunch. I often give Izzy a toothpick to eat string cheese that I have cut up. Well today I let Drew have a chance to get in on the fun. I must say both kids consumed a HUGE lunch of healthy foods all of which could be eaten with a toothpick. They ate string cheese, apple, peas, and cream cheese bagel. I now need to remember to have the deli guy slice me a thick slice of turkey so they can eat that with a toothpick. In my opinion that is plenty of healthy food for one day so anything more is just bonus!

After lunch I had planned to put Drew down for a nap and then make cookies with Izzy. Well, Drew was just hanging out and being pretty good so I decided to let Izzy work on the cookies. BIG mistake. Once Drew figured out that Izzy was using cookie cutters and sprinkles he wanted in on the action.

I decided to let him try and put sugar sprinkles on a witch's hat. Well, he shook so hard that the top came off.

Then when I tried to get the sprinkles away from him he pitched a fit. I gave him a bowl and let him pour them all out. There was a spoon nearby and he started feeding himself sugar. At this point I figured a nap was out of the question.

He even tried to feed Izzy some sprinkles.

I couldn't even discipline the little booger. He gets away with much more than his sister EVER did. ...how am I supposed to discpline this face?

Since it is close to time to leave for dance I will hope he sleeps in the car. ...I can hope, can't I?


Kristin said...

I think it's almost surreal to see Izzy topless in a high chair. She's too cute, I'm glad she'll still sit there!

Easton is a HUGE fan of toothpick meals. My mom has a stash of all kinds of festive ones so we've been using a plastic pumpkin toothpick since we got out our Halloween tote on the 1st. :)

Anonymous said...

I have got to hop on the toothpick band wagoon. Maybe Delaney would eat more foods.