Friday, October 10, 2008

Out of the Mouth of Drew

Honestly, I think I have some of the funniest kids ever. The things Drew says are just hysterical simply because he is trying to convey so much through his limited vocabulary. Izzy on the other hand continually amazes me with her ever expanding vocabulary.

Drew's basis for much of what he says comes from Izzy, as well as tv (gasp!). This evening Drew and I were sitting on the floor together looking at books - Izzy had already gone to bed. Drew brought me over a container of Little Crunchers (I think they are actually called Little Crunchies) and asked me to open them. After I successfully removed the lid, Drew said, "YOU DID IT!" He was quite excited I did this and even followed it up with, "now dance like Dora, Mama." For those of you not familiar with Dora, at the end of an episode after a task has been completed there is a song/dance that says "You did it! You did it!" ...just watch Dora and you will understand.

Earlier today one of the kids let out a loud toot ;) I immediately assumed it was Drew and he is usually the guilty party. This is what followed:

Me: Drew, did you toot?
Izzy: No, I tooted, Mom.
Drew (laughing): Izzy you not two, you THREE! Drew-drew is two, not Izzy.

Izzy and I both started laughing and Drew then said, "Drew-drew tooted." ...which made us laugh even harder.

One more from today:
Me: Hey Drew. Do you want a snack?
Drew: (silence)
Me: Drew, do you want a snack?
Drew: It's a secret, Mama.
Me: (laughing) You're silly!
Drew: Pease, Mama...I have a nack.
Me: Sure, what do you want?
Drew: It's a secret, silly! (as he is giggling)

This went on for about 2-3 min. before I finally just asked him if he wanted string cheese and he said, "yessssss".

The kids and I are on our own this weekend, and while I normally would not mention such a thing, it is for a very exciting reason....


Please say an extra prayer for Pete to help keep his body and mind strong as he takes on this awesome challenge! Good luck honey, we LOVE YOU!

...and because I can't not say anything about Miss Izzy, I wanted to share something she made at school a couple weeks ago.
Aren't those just the greatest idea ever! Listening ears, brilliant!

...and just for good measure, check out her cute outfit - cost for the entire outfit was under $15! Children's Place skirt and Gymbo top and socks. Go me!


Anonymous said...

that is the cutest outfit! man, i wish they had my size for $15!

Pete looked great during the marathon and finished! Man, just biking the 26.2 miles killed me, we enjoyed following him around tho and I think his first catch at the sign you made was a great motivation...I'll burn all the pics on a CD and send them.

Anonymous said...

I forgot about Izzy's listening ears! I was actually going to make some for Delaney the other day. How funny to find them here!