Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Boys Will Be Boys

I am travelling down a road with Drew that I never travelled with Izzy. He is boy - ALL BOY!

This came out of his nose today. I put it next to a penny for size comparison. It isn't huge, but it also shouldn't come out of a child's nose.


What is it, you ask?

A piece of foam from a Halloween craft we did the other day at a party. It is a window cut-out from a spooky castle sticker. The door and windows pop out and apparently it ended up in his nose.

I was upstairs helping the delivery guys arrange our new bedroom furniture when Drew started crying and yelling for me from downstairs. I ran down and he told me he bumped his cheek. I kissed it and then asked him if it felt better. He was crying and nodding "yes" and I noticed something black coming out of his nose. My immediate thought was blood, but it was black, so I thought dried blood. This was all happening in very slow motion. Then whatever it was coming out of his nose just stopped - half in and half out. So, I did what any mother would and pulled it out of his nose.

Good lord child! Here is our conversation that followed.

Me: Drew, did you put this in your nose?
Drew: Yes.
Me: Did you put it in your nose or in your mouth?
Drew: In my NOSE! I put my fingers in my mouth (and then he shoved his fingers in his mouth).
Me: How many did you put in your nose? Did you put one, or two, or three?
Drew: just one in my nose.
Me: Were you playing with Izzy when you did this?
Drew: Izzy not put in her nose. Drew-drew put in HIS nose, silly!

Okay, so I think I got the story, but would need to verify this with his three year old sister.

Izzy verified what Drew told me, but she said he put more than one up there, but she thought he got them all out. So, now I guess I just wait and see if anymore come out? I am really not worried. Worse case he would have one lodged in his sinus cavity, but I doubt it. Only time will tell.

Boys. ...I do dig that he is all boy! Gross and all :)


Alisha said...

Oh man. This brings up memories of a time I had a rock stuck way up my nose and didn't know until it started stinking some time later.
your picture is here (black and white). looks a little crappy, but let me know of you want me to mail it or swing it by.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Olivia did the same thing at about the same age. It was the piece of a foam sticker!