Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Random Stuff

I've got some random tidbits to remember so this is where I am going to put them.

The other day Izzy was tickling Drew and he said to her, "Izzy don't please tickle me." I love the "don't please" reversal.

Drew was outside smashing ants with his fingers when he called me over to see. He said, "Look, it's a ant!" I didn't see it and asked him where? He told me, "I GOT him! I prah-lee (probably) smashed him!"

I was making dinner a couple days ago and Drew was watching Dora. Izzy was in the kitchen with me and when Backpack's song came on she said to me, "That Dora is always so prepared as long as she has her backpack." ...You are right my dear - anything that you might need backpacks got inside for you ;)

Izzy had school today. Wednesday's are her long days. She stays an extra hour for lunch bunch and then an additional 45 min. for a music class. Wednesday also happens to be "Show and Share." This week the letter of the week is D. For some reason Izzy believes that on Show and Share day she needs to take something that begins with the letter D as well as wear something that starts with D. So, today Izzy took her "doll" Lulu (her most prized possession) and wore "denim".

While Izzy was at school Drew and I hit the grocery store for triple coupon day. I am very new to the world of coupons, but figured even I could save us some money. My eventual goal is to manipulate the system like the women I saw in the store with their binders, pens/paper, and lists. I am quite proud of myself for actually only using coupons for the things I typically buy or knew I would use. The "old" me would have bought stuff just because it was a great deal. Silly, right? If you aren't going to use it then why even buy it? I think we have enough food in our house right now to feed us for 3-4 weeks. All I will need to buy is milk, eggs, lunch meat, and bread.

Continuing on with my savings, Drew and I then went to Children's Place because Izzy needs long sleeve t's. I was armed with a 15% off coupon and a $10 off coupon. I was able to buy 4 shirts and 2 pair of pants for $25. The things are pretty much mix and match which is great for my self dressing daughter.

Next, we went to Bed Bath and Beyond where I purchased the rest of our curtains. My ever so smart SIL informed me that you could use up to 5 coupons in one visit. Who knew? Not me. Thanks Jac!!!

Now Izzy is in my room having quiet time. She is wiped out on Wednesday's. I need to remain calm until she goes to bed and remind myself that she is way over emotional when tired. Otherwise her attitude would get her in major trouble. Hopefully we can just play in her room for a bit while I rearrange her drawers.

Drew on the other hand is causing chaos in his crib right now. He slept for 15 min. in the car earlier and is now refusing a nap. Thankfully he is entertaining himself in there. Hopefully I won't hear a thud which might mean he discovered how to climb out.

The good news is that both kids will be down early tonight...and Pete will be home!!!