Thursday, November 6, 2008

Footloose and Camera Free

I'm sorry folks, but today the kids and I played all day and I don't have a single picture to show for it.

It is 6:00 pm and Drew is out cold next to me on the couch...that just shows you how wiped out the kids are. I am having an internal debate as to whether I put him straight to bed or wake him up? I think I will have to wake him just because he needs a new diaper. He REALLY needs a bath (thanks to making sand angels) but I am willing to forgo it for him to sleep.

Anywho, back to our beautiful day. The kids both slept in extra late today which was fantastic! Maybe they knew we would be gone all day playing in the sun? I woke up at 8:15 (when was the last time you woke up just cause) and turned on the tv to watch the Today show in bed. How cool is that? 30 minutes later Izzy was up. 45 minutes after that Drew was up. We had a bit of a lazy morning and finally headed to the playground just before noon.

Izzy was so excited because a few of her friends were already there. ...not planned either. Both kids ran a ton, played in the sand til they were GROSS, and just had a total blast. I brought a ton of bread to feed the ducks and I think we watched / fed the ducks for 45 minutes. Oh, Drew has taken a liking to the big swings. He fell off twice. One time I thought for sure he broke his arm. Thankfully I was wrong.

After we left the playground we went for ice-cream. Nothing beats sweating up a storm and then cooling off with some ice-cream. After that we headed home. Once we got home I realized it was well after 3 and too late to really nap Drew. So, I asked if anyone wanted to go to Toys R Us to look around? Unanimous yes rang out from the peanut gallery. I explained we would simply be looking and playing with toys but not buying. Very good...we were off.

We played with toys for nearly 2 hours. My main reason for going was to check out a tool bench for Drew that might possibly go on sale tomorrow. I wasn't too keen on it, but found one that was way cool! Now I just have to decide if he will get it? Who am I kidding, he will ;) Bet you are wondering if I bought anything, huh? ...I did. Nothing big and not as a bribe. I bought a $9.99 video that the kids have wanted and was previously out of stock.

Now we are home and Pete is making Izzy pancakes for dinner and Drew is snoozing next to me. A good day.

It was kind of liberating and fun not to have a camera with me all day. I had no guilt about not taking pictures to later share. I am a bit sad because there was the cutest photo op while the kids were playing in a great big sand hole. They had their backs to me, but were sitting side by side and looked so sweet in white tops with their blond hair. Oh well...


Kristin said...

I kinda love not having my camera sometimes too. Makes me enjoy the moment all the more, but then I forget the moments later. :)


Hey, I just tagged you.