Friday, November 14, 2008

Izzy's turn

I promise to post with some pictures next time ;)

For now though I need to write down a couple things Izzy has recently said...

Have you ever heard of this word before?
Probably not, huh?
...Our mornings have been chilly here, but with the sun shining and the trees in full fall color this is the word Izzy has chosen to describe it all. I find it to be the most perfect description! The mornings are chilly, yet absolutely beautiful. They are brrr-u-tifull.


Izzy knows that she was born in Denver, but that we moved while she was still a baby. So, today on the way to school she says to me, "Mom, remember when I lived in Colorado with my other mom, blah blah blah". The "blah blah blah" part was added by me because I zoned out on her even suggesting she at one time had another mom? Huh? Where did that come from? After I composed myself, I wasn't sure if I should cry or laugh, I explained to her that she doesn't have another mom and never did. Insisting that she knew what she was talking about she told me, "Maaaa-ooooommmmm (I think she was rolling her eyes from the backseat), the mom I had when I was a baby, I said!" The conversation had to come to an end as we reached school. Thankfully she didn't tell me that she missed her, or ask when she would see her again? I think that would have made me cry. ...I am just waiting to see if she brings it up again? I'm certainly not going to!