Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"I" Week at School

Izzy has been waiting for this week since the second week of school. You see, each week there is a letter of the week and this week we have finally reached the letter "I". In preparation for this week a could of very special outfits have been chosen.

Monday's festive "I" ensemble:

This is one of the twirliest twirl skirts Izzy owns.


Today, Wednesday, not only did she wear another "I" shirt, but it was also Show and Share day. She took an iguana (from her little people set). On a sidenote...Izzy seems to have a knack for taking the smallest, cheapest toys for Show and Share. One week she took a happy meal toy and last week she took a mermaid from the dollar store that we have had for 2 years!

Do you see the antlers on her head? Guess who we saw yesterday...SANTA! I think it is a little early for Santa, but I couldn't very well tell Izzy she couldn't talk to him yesterday at the mall, could I? If I would have known he was there then I would have steered clear of him.

Izzy asked me to put these pictures on the computer (she isn't aware that what I do is "blog"). She is sitting here next to me for quiet time while I do this. These are her new poses.

We call this one "statue"

And this one is called "robot"

I have no idea what she will wear on Friday. She will insist on something with and "I" on it or else a color that begins with the letter "I". I am not sure if she owns anything indigo?

Monday is her school feast. Today she told me that I was invited, as well as Drew and Daddy. She also said Grandma and Grandpa's are invited and could I call them and see if they could come. So...if you are reading please let us know if you will be able to make it for 45 min. that day. You don't mind the 8 hour drive, do you?

I am going to snuggle (or smuggle as Drew says) up with my girlie girl and watch a show before Drew-man decides to wake up.


Anonymous said...

I am finally caught up. I was determined not to read yours until I had caught up a little on mine. Greats posts!