Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Izzy's First Movie

Although both Izzy and Drew can watch 20 min. shows over and over again, neither one care to sit through an entire movie. We have tried to rent a few in the past and 30 minutes seems to be the limit. I think the only reason we've made it through any at home is because we can stop and start whenever needed.

The Madagascar Happy Meal toy sparked interest for Izzy. So much so that we borrowed a copy of Madagascar from a friend and all watched it Friday night. Pete and I wanted to view it and see what Izzy's interest level was and then determine whether or not to take her to see Madagascar 2 in the theater. Well, she didn't have a huge interest in the movie at home, but was very excited at the idea of seeing a movie in the theater. She originally wanted to go with me, but then changed her mind and wanted to go see it with Pete. I was sad to not view her first theater movie with her (although we attempted one movie with Drew when he was about 5 months) but knew she would have a great time with her dad. She is a huge daddy's girl and Pete eats up every bit of love she throws at him - what father wouldn't? Not to mention that I had lots of stuff that I could get done with Drew that I couldn't do with Izzy - Christmas stuff.

I had an initial hesitation when I saw it was PG, but after watching Madagascar I was a bit more comfortable with what the content would be. Izzy's nature is that of a people pleaser. She is just like I was as a child and doesn't like it if she feels you are mad or upset with her. So if we were to explain why language or a situation were inappropriate then she would try to not say or act that way. I was more concerned with violence and since I didn't really see any in the first one I felt okay.

Here she is ready for her date with Daddy.

She was so cute that morning and wanted to wear her hair in pigtails because Pete had made a comment how he hadn't seen her hair that way in a while.

Pete sent me a couple pictures from his phone while they were at the movies. He said she did great! She talked a couple times but didn't squirm around. When she came home she told me a few bits and pieces from the movie, but then went about her day.

All I know is that I get to take Drew to his first movie :) ...it's only fair.