Friday, November 28, 2008

Mommy You're My Friend

A while back I posted this in one of my blog entries:

Setting: Izzy is in bed already. Pete is on one couch while Drew runs around "nakey". When I came downstairs from putting Izzy to bed, Drew had stripped himself naked so I grabbed the video camera and started taping. At one point our conversation went like this:

Me: Drew, are you a boy or girl?
Drew: I a girl.
Me: No, you are a boy. Izzy is a girl.
...Hey Drew, what are you?
Drew: I is a girl.
Me: What is Daddy?
Drew: Daddy is a guy.
Me: What is Mommy?
(long pause by Drew)
Drew: You are my friend. I wub you Mama. I really wub you.

Sweet sweet Drew. I am his friend and he wubs me. He really really wubs me. I am so glad I got it all on video.

This morning Pete uploaded the video for me. Here it is...

Really, how stinkin cute was that? Really :)


Kristin said...

Oh yeah...way cute! I'm glad to get to see that!