Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dude, Where's My Gift?

Pete and I took the kids to see Santa on Saturday. I am happy to report that they both hopped up on the jolly old guy's lap and no tears were shed!


Here they are waiting in line. Drew wasn't so sure as first.

Both were more interested in ornaments. Why do they have to put the breakable ornaments by the line for Santa? I know they want you to buy them but come on...

The best way to keep them still and out of trouble was to feed them

Getting closer...and more excited

Here I am trying to make sure I get in some pictures every now and again.

Izzy is well aware of how the Santa gig works. This was the first year that she sat on his lap without any bribery from us. We did see a Santa at another mall last weekend but she did not sit on his lap. I didn't push the issue either. I knew she would eventually...and this visit she did. She was so serious! She got up on his lap (he actually lifted her up, which was HUGE for her as in the past this would have brought tears) and told him what she wanted all the while smiling ear to ear. She asked for: a baby that pees on the potty, a barbie castle, and one other thing? I will have to ask her what it was. Up until yesterday she was only requesting a baby doll that pees on the potty.


Onto Drew. While in line I explained to him that he needed to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what he wanted for Christmas. This made no sense to him. I said, "Do you want to tell Santa you want some Batman stuff?" and he said, "yeah, and how bout Joker stuff too!" Okay, so he was quick to catch on.

Drew did not cry, but was not as confident sitting on the big guys lap. If it weren't for Izzy being with him I suppose he would have cried.

Santa asked Drew what he wanted and he said a Batman Castle (I think Izzy had just asked for a Barbie Castle). So when Drew got off Santa's lap he looked at us and said "Where Batman Castle go?" with his arms in the air. He walked away and kept asking where his castle was? Poor kid thought for sure he would get it immediately. Ask and you shall receive IMMEDIATELY is how Drew would like it to be.

Once we came home we broke out the Christmas tree. Izzy desperately wanted to be involved in every aspect of decorating. I let Drew and Izzy put on some ornaments, and they all ended up on one small section.



Then Izzy had the honor of putting on the tree topper.



Now we just need to get the rest of the house decorated.