Thursday, November 13, 2008

More from Drew

The kid is on a roll with funny stuff. And for those that asked to see his nakey video from last night I think I can post it. Let me clarify, I viewed it and it is G-rated material. I taped it on my video camera and have no idea how to upload that stuff. You see...we have videotaped since Izzy was born, yet we have never gone back to watch any of it. ...she is nearly 4!!!

The video clips you see sometimes are done with my regular camera. That I know how to upload since it is just like pictures. Now if only I could learn how to use all the settings.

This evening Pete ran out to get some milk. The kids and I went through nearly a quarter gallon today while we ate our freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. When Pete got home Drew excitedly said, "Daddy's home!". I asked him if he missed Daddy. His response..."No Mama. I not miss Daddy. I miss my milk." I told this to Pete and apparently he didn't believe me because he asked him again. Poor guy got the same response.

Just a moment ago Pete turned off the show Drew was watching and announced he was going to watch a daddy show. Drew asked, "You gonna watch football?" Pete said, "You want to come watch some football with Daddy?" Drew shook his head and said no. Pete asked him if he wanted to watch baseball? Drew shook his head again and politely said, "no tank you Daddy." Isn't he just the sweetest!

Okay, I am going to attempt to figure out how to post the video from last night. You all realize (I am speaking to the huge blog following I have. Ha!) that if I figure this out myself a) I rock! and b) I will be a video posting fool!