Thursday, September 11, 2008

Another Rainy Day

These hurricanes are really wrecking havoc on any outdoor play for us. One things that the kids and I are accustomed to doing is being on the go. We love some down days at home, but typically we leave everyday - twice a day.

With us being confined to the house I have had to come up with some creative play. This morning we made a masking tape city. It started out as a simple way for me to occupy the kids while I hopped in the shower. I put down some tape to represent roads and figured the kids would just run some cars over it for a few minutes. Well it turned into a project that involved many more accessories. We used Little People toys at various points on the roads. We had a farm, fix-it garage, amusement park and shopping mall. The kids many never let me take the tape off the floor.

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I never made it into the shower - well not alone. I got in, then Drew followed. I got out, Drew stayed in and then Izzy joined him. It was actually great since they both needed baths tonight anyway. Now if they get a bath it will just be for fun, but not to wash hair. Izzy's hair is getting to the point where I really need to use a hair dryer if I want it to be dry before she goes to bed.

So, with the beginning of school has also come the beginning of a new behavior issues with Izzy. I know part of it is age related, but I am also certain school has something to do with it as well. I am witnessing tantrums from her like I have never seen before. This morning I was getting Drew out of his crib, without her assistance, and she lost it. She screamed at me from downstairs to put him back in his bed and come back downstairs. As I walked past her carrying Drew she grabbed onto my leg and continued to scream at me. Finally she stormed off into her room and stayed there for about 30 min.

A couple hours later she threw another monstrous fit over Drew playing with a toy. She was not using it, but apparently didn't want him to use it either. She sure got u-g-l-y. It ended with her storming into another room and yelling for us to leave her alone. I try not to react while she is throwing the fit, actually I don't show any emotion at all, but rather ignore her. We did talk about it right before quiet time. I told her that I thought she might need an actual nap today due to her attitude. She assured me that she wasn't tired and would not get ugly (her word) anymore. I left it alone after that conversation. Part of me also wonders if she isn't possibly coming down with my cold?

Boring Boring Boring day.

Anywho, we are going to venture out after nap time...rain or shine!


Alisha said...

You are such a freaking good mom! What a good idea!!!!