Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Izzy's First Day of School

Today's the day. The much anticipated first day of school.

Last night we did our traditional night before school dinner out. We went to Red Robin and while the food was good, Drew had no nap due to our VERY busy day, therefore crying almost the entire meal. Both Pete and I had to leave the restaurant with him so we wouldn't be "those parents". Once home it was time for bed. Izzy had a tough time going to sleep, probably due to nerves, so I let her camp out on our bed for 30 min. before going back to her room.

Izzy arrived in my room at 7:02 am this morning. ...she didn't mention school.

We came downstairs and proceeded to play. I reminded her that she does have school today and we could play for a bit but then would need to start getting ready. Fine.

As we were playing she made mention of going to "Maria's House". I rolled with it and said okay, who is Maria.

Me: Izzy, who is Maria
Iz: You know, the girl with yellow hair, a pink shirt, and polka dot pants. She lives in the brick house. The red one with the white fence.

Me: Oh, is Maria in your class?
Iz: Mom, Maria is in my school class and dance class.
Me: of course.

Me: Does she have any brothers or sisters?
Iz: She has two brothers and two sisters.
Me: older or younger?
Iz: One older brother and one younger brother - he is trouble like Drew.
Me: are her sisters older or younger?
Iz: her one sister is older and the other is younger.
Me: got ya.

Me: What does her daddy do?
Iz: he works....alot.
Me thinking...I need to tell Pete this is how she must view him.

Me: What does her mommy do?
Iz: she works a little bit and chases the kids around.
Me thinking...yup, during quiet time I tell Izzy I have work to do. ...and most of my time is spent chasing the kids around.

Me: does Maria's mommy have a name.
Iz: (laughing) she is your friend Mommy (like duh!) and her name is Maria-Ann.

Do you think in Izzy's nervous and anxious anticipation of school she made up a family? I remember telling her teachers last year she had an imaginary friend, but I can't think of her name right now. Maybe Sarah?

So Izzy had a breakfast of banana bread. We made it yesterday. I think we have baked everyday for two weeks now! Then she got dressed, brushed teeth, and had her hair done. Since Drew was asleep we left him home with Pete and headed to school.

Breakfast...doesn't she just look older?

Posing for a couple pictures

I couldn't decide which one I liked better, the last one or this one?

With me

and the new smile.

Izzy was clearly nervous, but kept moving forward. She hung up her bag and then we looked at the pictures of her taken at meet-n-greet on the bulletin boards. I got her set up with some pink play-doh and then made my exit. She seemed fine.


One difference this year is that parents of 3's don't go into the school to pick up. We wait in the car in a line. Izzy did great. She was so happy when I pulled past her in our car (I had to get to the front of the line spot and she was at the door watching and probably thought I forgot her as she witnessed me pull past) and the teacher let her lean in to give me a hug and then buckled her in. I didn't get nearly as many details as I wanted.

No one in class cried.
They had music.
She saw Owen on the playground. (He was in her class last year).
The teacher used a marker and put a heart on every ones palm. (When I asked Izzy the reason she didn't have an answer).
Snack was peanut butter crackers and apple juice. (I find this odd as there is a peanut allergy).
The sang "Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee".

That's all I got ;)

After school we went for our other tradition of ice-cream at Bruster's. Much to our surprise Bruster's was closed! So we went to Coldstone. We were joined by many of our friends.

Izzy always has chocolate with sprinkles

And Drew might prefer chocolate should he be given a choice, but I just give him vanilla.

And a quick game of Ring Around the Rosie. I bet the employees of Coldstone wished we had never shown up today. Bruster's is great because it is outdoors!

After that we went to Delaney's house to ride bikes and scooters. We are now home and having much needed naps and quiet time. I am anxious to see how Friday goes. I have found that both my kids do "okay" the first time in a new situation, but the second, third, fourth times are the hardest!

Here's hoping Friday is okay~


Cyn said...

I can't get over how much Izzy and Drew have grown up this summer. They are both gorgeous just like their parents! I am really glad that Izzy's first day went well! I will be thinking of her tomorrow! Cristina goes today. She was so excited she promised she would go to sleep right away so she can be ready for school. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the "New" smile.