Monday, September 15, 2008

Catch Up

I just need to backtrack a bit and catch all my fans up on a couple things from the past few days.

First up...Izzy and school stuff. I think I am loving Izzy's teachers this year. Maybe it is because at 3 the class has more structure, or maybe it is the teachers themselves, but whatever the reason her class rocks! On Friday I received a weekly update letter which referenced events from the past week as well as what to expect this coming week. This week finds Izzy learning the letter A. Her homework assignment for the weekend, which is not mandatory, was to find a picture of something beginning with "a" for her to present to the class. I busted out her pile of magazines that I have been saving for this reason and she found a picture of a squirrel eating an ACORN all by herself!

Last week she started her first week of bible study. I love that she has chapel as well as a music class once a week. Each month there is a shape and color associated with it. The color for September is blue and the shape is circle. Last week Izzy painted a blue circle and also an earth. Here is a picture of her earth along with her bible verse.


In other fun news, I hopped on the tie dying wagon and decided to make some shirts. My friend Kristin did this with her boys and the shirts turned out really cute. Well, Nolan (the mailman) delivered my current issue of Family Fun and by golly one of the crafts was tie dyed t's. I thought it was the perfect first tie dye attempt as it only involved one color. I did not soak the shirts long enough - Kristin warned me via her blog but I still made the same mistake. Oh well, I think they still turned out really cute. I decided to paint a Halloween picture on the front of the shirts. Izzy wanted a witch and I did a ghost for Drew.


I also made some extra shirts for some of Izzy's friends.

Izzy had school today and did just fine. One day I need to bring the video camera and record Drew as we leave her classroom. You would hear... "Bye Izzy. See ya later Izzy. Have a good day at cool." in the sweetest voice EVER! Today when she was loaded into the car after school and I asked if Izzy speaks at all during class (cause she is NEVER silent around us)because she has a tendency to be quiet when uncomfortable or nervous. Her teacher told me that they were beginning to hear more of her voice. That was refreshing for me to hear.

While Izzy was at school I took Drew to the Children's Museum. He had such a great time "calling all the shots". At one point he must have realized Izzy was missing and he wanted her there because he looked at me and said "Go Mama's car. Get Izzy at cool. Pease Mama, get Izzy."

Here is Drew taking a call. Fire emergency, I think?

Suiting up...


Did you see Drew's shiner? If not, check out his right eye. He got that at Izzy's school on Friday.

Ironically this is what he was doing!

The kid is just asking for another black eye. Just what I need a week before his 2 year portraits. That goodness for photoshop!

There we go. Now I just need to update the blog with some of the funnies that the kids have said over the past couple of weeks. Also tomorrow we are going apple picking - sure hope it doesn't rain!


Kristin said...

Her earth painting is fantastic. Such attention to detail! I love that Drew misses her while she's at cool.

Your tie dye project turned out GREAT too. Love the added Halloweeney features. I need to start getting Family Fun I think.