Friday, September 5, 2008

Two For Two

I am happy to report that Izzy's second day of school was uneventful. No drama. No tears. No anything.

In my Izzy experience I have learned not to mention anything much earlier than it will actually happen. So it wasn't until I was putting her to bed last night and asked, "Do you want to wear shorts or a dress to school tomorrow" and she said "dress". She picked one out (for which Drew has a matching shirt that she requested he wear) and then casually mentioned she did not want to go to school. I sat next to her on her bed and asked her if there was a reason she didn't want to go back? No response. I told her that I know the first few days are hard with new teachers, learning new kids names, making new friends, and not yet being comfortable with the routine. I reminded her of all the fun she had last year and told her soon she would be having just as much fun. ...probably even more! I also told her that at 3 it was her job to go to school. She seemed okay with those answers.

This morning I had to go in and wake her. I sat on her bed while rubbing her back and asked her what she wanted for breakfast. She asked if today was a school day and I told her it was. She didn't say anything so I just continued on with the morning routine. Looking back it went quite smoothly considering everything I needed to do before we left. Once Izzy and I were dressed and all our stuff was ready to go, we got Drew up. I figured I needed him up 30 min. before we left just to make sure he'd be in a decent mood.

Getting ready to leave. I must remember to always allow 10-15 min. for us to play before heading to school. I have found that if I act too much like a drill sergent then it throws Izzy off.

Off to school we went. Izzy walked into her classroom with just a slight bit of hesitation. One of the little girls was crying. In the past Izzy has started to cry when others are crying, but today she didn't. Progress. This little girl was then removed from the classroom so as to not upset the arriving children. I continue to be impressed by the simple things the teachers do that make such a difference. Drew and I got Izzy settled at a table working on a puzzle, said our good-byes and made our exit. Drew did not want to leave. In fact I had to drag him out of the room while he chanted "See Izzy. See my sis-er, Izzzzzz-eeeeee."

Drew and I had big plans to meet up with some friends at Barnes & Noble. We made a quick stop at Target to return a pair of shoes and pick up a gift. Then off to the bookstore we went. I enjoyed a mocha while Drew played with trains and read books. He was so good that I actually was able to talk to some other moms! Could Drew be starting to mature? Nah. After the bookstore we headed to the coolest toy store - Toys & Co. I had to pick up a couple gifts. I got Drew a birthday present and both kids an umbrella and harmonica for Christmas. It is a good thing they can't read yet or else I wouldn't be able to document that.

It was funny because the guy at the register asked me what the deal was with the umbrellas? I asked what he meant. He told me that they have had more people in this last week to buy umbrellas then ever before - or since he has worked there. I told him that I didn't have a reason, but that my kids both really wanted one ;) This will be an interesting Christmas. Both kids seem to enjoy alot of the same things. It is what I assume shopping for twins would be like.

While at the bookstore with Drew I picked up a couple books for the kids. One for Izzy called "The Polite Princess" which is quite cute - all about the princesses and manners. And a "Blue's Clues" book for Drew. I also picked up a couple books from the bargain bin for Drew for his birthday.

So onto our evening...

I decided to invite Stephanie and her family over for some drinks and pizza. Does it make is sound like the drinks are more important if I list them first? ...cause they are :) It was a last minute thing and something that I have not really done since we moved here. We used to have lots of impromptu gatherings with neighbors in Denver, but notsomuch here. I don't really know why we don't? Maybe because the kids required more attention in the past then they do now? Lately whenever we have play dates over the kids are getting better at entertaining themselves. Good times. Good times. Anyway, both Pete and I had a really nice time. Hopefully neither one of use said anything inappropriate and they will want to hang out with us again!

The kids had ice-cream after dinner. Please note that being the fantastic hostess that I am, I was able to offer both chocolate or vanilla ice-cream on either a cake cone or sugar cone :) We eat entirely too much ice-cream over here.

Izzy and Rylie (who is 10 days younger than Izzy)

And the Drewman