Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Push Play, Pokey

"Push play, Pokey." That is what Drew tells me everytime a dvd comes on and stops on the menu screen. Do you know how funny it is to be in the kitchen making dinner and hear his little voice saying "Push play, Pokey" as he waits for a video? As he nears 2 he is becoming more and more verbal. With all his words come comedy. It is no wonder I can't discipline him the same way I was able Izzy...I am too busy laughing at him.

So yesterday two big things happened over here.

First, my most wonderful husband worked from home yesterday afternoon so that I was able to go get my hair cut and colored. Thanks honey! I tried to book an appointment with a guy at a salon recommended to me for either an evening or weekend appointment and was told the next available was Saturday, Nov. 29th! Yes...after Thanksgiving. So, Pete was kind enough to take a day and try to work with the kids surrounding him. As for the color...well, it is darker than I think I have ever been so I need to get used to it. The hair isn't anything fancy, but I do think he did a great job on my cut.

Second, drumroll please....Drew ate steak for the very first time. Drew is my picky eater and certainly no lover of meat! I think he has been on a hunger strike for the last month. I blame it on teeth, and the fact that as a wee one I had to snack feed him as we always were on the go. Two months ago Drew lived on oatmeal. This past month it has been yogurt. Yogurt with sprinkles when I am feeling generous. But last night we had steak, salad and potatoes and Drew ate steak. Not only did he eat it, but he said "I yike steak."

Izzy on the other hand eats most foods. At the very least she will try a food. The rule over here is one that I was raised on - you must take a "courtesy" taste. If she doesn't like it, then she doesn't have to finish it. She wasn't fond of last nights potatoes, but she took a bite and swallowed it.

Last night found Pete and I watching one of our favorite shows, The Biggest Loser. We don't just watch the show, but we eat cake while watching it. For some reason we think it is funny to watch the contestants work out to lose weight while we stuff our face with cake. Go figure?

Today was a school day for Izzy. She was presented with a "Star Student" award. From what I gather it was given to her for playing with Sarah. I don't know if Sarah was sad and Izzy helped her or if Izzy was sad and the teachers gave it to her to cheer her up? Who knows. She said she had a great day and I got the most info out of her ever! I think she was most proud that her teachers liked her pants (pants I got at Target last year and she is wearing for her second season). Glad the chick has her priorities straight - fashion before friendship (or academics for that matter). Oh, and Izzy told me all about the good morning song they sing, the blessings before snack, and the end of the day song. I love that they have so many songs! She loves to sing and teaches them all to Drew.

We are heading to a birthday party this afternoon and then apple picking tomorrow morning!

Oh, and I decided to try and start running again. So, while Izzy was at school I strapped Drew in the single jogger, doublefisted with lollipops, and headed out. I ran two miles in just under 20 min. Not bad for me. I am hoping if I document my workouts on here that I may commit to them!