Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Izzy's First Dentist Appointment

Izzy had her first visit to the dentist today. It was at 8:00 am, which for our family is too early to be expected to arrive anywhere. Adding to the difficulty of the time was the fact that Drew would be with me because Pete was out of town. So, Izzy needed to be up, dressed and teeth brushed by 7:30. Drew on the other hand just needed to be carried from his bed to the car. I am happy to report that we made it to our appointment with a couple minutes to spare! About 5 minutes into the ride Drew said, "Hey Mama, where we goin?" Poor kid probably just woke up and realized he was in the car.

So, I can't rave enough about the staff. They were SO WONDERFUL. Izzy got called back and Drew and I were able to go with her. The dental chair was in a room with about 5 other chairs. It was one big, bright, colorful, open room. I like the open room as I think it makes the kids not feel too confined. The downside is that children can hear other upset children. Izzy sat in her chair and Drew and I went behind a wall so Drew could play with toys. We were still all in the same room and Izzy and I could see one another if we looked in a mirror. She was so cute just sitting and smiling at me. I think she knew I was so proud of her being so brave.

Lauren cleaned Izzy's teeth and did a fabulous job. She spoke to Izzy in the softest, most nurturing voice. She also wore purple gloves which Izzy thought was way cool. When she tipped Izzy back in the chair, Izzy got to wear purple sunglasses. Lauren told Izzy the sun was about to come out so she needed her shades. In case you didn't figure it out, the sun is the bright light overhead. After her teeth were cleaned, the dentist came out to count Izzy's teeth and give her a fluoride treatment which I think was the worst part of the entire visit (unless you count our bill). I think it must have tasted pretty bad because as we were leaving she was gagging and trying to spit.

After her appointment we headed to Dunkin Doughnuts for a special treat. What better way to celebrate no cavities then with a nice sugary donut? After that it was off to Starbucks for me.

Tuesday afternoon meant dance for Izzy. She loves dance more and more every week and I am so glad. She goes off into class with her friends and doesn't look back. From what little info I get out of her she really likes both her teachers. Each week she adds more moves to her dancing at home which leads me to believe she is learning something. ...alwyas nice to know since I don't get to watch class.

Tomorrow is Izzy's class picnic at school. It will be nice to meet some of the other moms~