Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Rain Delay

Due to the rain our apple picking outing had to be put on hold.

I figured that since we don't have any other plans that I would write some of the funny things the kids have said lately. Of course justice can't really be done without the voices, but oh well.

While watching Curious George I commented on how George was eating an apple and drinking out of a juice box with his feet. Izzy said to me, "He only eats with his feet when he has something in his right hand AND his left hand." Smart girl - George was reading a book with his hands.

Drew and I were in the kitchen this morning bickering over the fact that I wanted him to pick up a bagel he had dropped on the kitchen floor before I would give him something else to eat. Izzy came into the kitchen and offered to pick up Drew's bagel. I told her that was nice of her to offer, but that Drew needed to do it himself. After I asked him to pick it up once more and he still refused, Izzy said, "Mom, do you and Drew need me to be the MODERATOR?" Excuse me, but moderator out of a 3.5 year old?

Hey, last week she used collaborate in a sentence. I am pretty certain she learned that from the show Pinky Dinky Doo.

Typically when Izzy and Drew hear the garage door open to signal Pete is home at the end of the day, they both hide. Well, one night Izzy was having dinner (spaghetti I think - which is a favorite) and decided she did not want to hide. She said, "That's okay if Daddy sees me eating. I don't mind."

Izzy has informed me that she doesn't like "crunchy" pretzels. I can only assume that I usually give her stale pretzels.

Oh, remember how Pete bought Izzy the princess clock? Well, in case you don't remember it has stars that shine on the ceiling. It didn't take Izzy long to figure out that she can only see the stars if her room is dark. After this realization she said to me, "How did Daddy know about the stars if it was light out when he bought my clock?"

The first two days of school Izzy was sent home with a Tootsie Roll lollipop. Apparently the teachers do this if the kids have a great day. I assume on the first two days they did it just cause. Anyway, Izzy made it to the center of the Tootsie Roll pop for the first time ever and then said "How'd they get that smooshed in there?"

We went out to dinner a few weeks ago and as Izzy was getting into the car she stepped up and said, "This step is especially steep."

Perhaps the greatest thing was on 8-30-08 when Drew said to me out of nowhere while sitting on my lap, "Mama, I love you." He said it again and again and I got all teary eyed. That boy can melt me! I know the I love you was just for me, because Pete tried to get him to say it to him and he wouldn't!

While eating a pack of Diego gummy snacks I ask him what Baby Jaguar says, to which he replies "mrrrow, mrrrow." I then ask him what Deigo says and he replies, "Don't eat me Baby Jaguar. Don't eat me!"

Drew was blowing bubbles in his water cup and I told him he needed to stop. He did it again and I took his cup away and told him to stop blowing bubbles. He then dropped down into a 3 point stance like he was going to rush me.

When you ask Drew if he wants something and the answer is "yes" he will say "Okay, yeeessssss". The yes is long and drawn out with a slight lisp.

If you ask Drew if he wants something (ie: Drew would you like some crackers or not) and the answer is "no" then he will just say "Not Mama. I say not."

Typically Izzy wakes up before Drew. Most mornings Izzy will go into Drew's room to get him with me. If she does not then he will immediately ask to "see Izzy." Well, one morning she did not come get him out of bed with me and Drew said "I go see Iz-zeee, my sister." Sister was emphasized too. It was funny. He now likes to refer to her as "Izzy, my sister"

While Izzy typically wakes Drew up with me, Drew likes to put Izzy to bed with me. So, one night after Drew and I put Izzy to bed we were walking back downstairs. I was carrying Drew downstairs and I said something to him. He put his hands on my face and said "Ssssshhhh. Ssssshhhh. Izzy seeping. Ssssshhhhhh, Sssshhhh, Izzy seeping. Mom! Mom! (not even Mama which is what he normally calls me) Izzy SEEEEEP-ING!"

Finally, while reading Drew a book one night before bed he turned to me and brushed a hair out of my face. He then patted my head and said, "That looks nice Mommy."

Kids sure are cute, huh?