Thursday, September 25, 2008

Do You Know What Tomorrow Is?

It is Drew's 2nd birthday. As I sit here drinking wine and watching Grey's Anatomy I can't help but feel a bit empty. I remember dreading turning 30 but once the day arrived and then passed I was fine. The anticipation was the hardest part. I sure hope this holds true for this as well. I think tomorrow will be a very hard day for me. Drew will be 2.

Two years ago my mom and Al were here to lend a hand with Izzy while I was in the hospital. My mom was then going to stay a couple extra days when Drew came home. Here is what I remember...and some have probably never heard this story.

I had placenta previa with Drew. It had moved to "marginal" at the end of my pregnancy and therefore I was scheduled for a c-section on September 25th. Due to the fact that it was marginal, and I really had hoped for another vaginal birth, my doctor had decided one week prior to the scheduled c-section that I would be a good candidate for an induction. So, I was rescheduled to have an induction on September 26th.

My biggest concern was not the induction, but rather how Izzy would handle my absence. I was not to be at the hospital until 10:30 the next morning, but had decided that we would leave before Izzy even woke up for the day. I figured I could go to the hospital and claim I was in labor, cause would they really send me home if I had a scheduled induction a few hours later?

So, I went to bed in our guest room. My parents were in our bedroom, and Pete was on an air mattress somewhere. So, around 12:30 am I woke up thinking my water had broken. Stop reading now if you don't want to know all the gory details. I remember thinking this will be great...Drew will be born before Izzy even wakes up so Pete will be able to get back home shortly after. I just wanted Izzy to be okay. I didn't need Pete at the hospital - I needed him with Izzy.

So, back to the story. It wasn't my water that broke; I was bleeding. There was alot of blood, intense pain and I was very scared! I woke up my mom and then she woke Pete. We debated on whether or not to call 911. We opted to drive ourselves. On the way I called the hospital and told them what was going on. I also told them that I hadn't felt the baby move. Once we arrived, Pete dropped me at the door and parked the car. I remember walking in and the lady at the desk saying to me that I needed to sign in and then have a seat. I told them that I just called, was bleeding and had not felt the baby move. Again I was told that I needed to sign in and have a seat. I then told the lady that my husband was parking the car and if when he came in and I wasn't in a room hooked up to a monitor then he would go ballistic. At this point I was crying because I was so scared. I got into a room, and the heartbeat was found. Thank God!

So, they get me to a room and not a single person will touch me. I am losing blood and have been prepped for blood transfusions. We are just waiting for the doctor to arrive. Finally he does, takes a quick look and says we need to get the baby out asap. I now have papers being put in my face left and right to sign. I am literally signing papers as I am being wheeled down the hall into the OR. All of a sudden Pete has disappeared. I am sure someone told me that he was being taken away, but I don't remember. I just remember him being gone. Where the heck is my husband? I was in the OR being prepped and asking for Pete. The nurse tells me he will be in soon. I finally let the enormity of the situation take over. I LOSE IT! L.O.S.E. I.T!!! I begin SOBBING! I tell a nurse that I can't die. I tell her that I have a husband and a 19 month old baby girl that need me. I tell her that I am their everything and they are mine. She gently cradled my face with her hands and told me that she promised me everything would be okay. I believed her and thankfully she was right.

Tomorrow my baby boy turns 2. I promise to only share good stuff tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

Oh Molly, what a bittersweet story. Now I also feel sad!!

I had no idea that Ben and Drew were so close in age. Ben is only 5 months older than Drew.

Kristin said...

Whoa...never heard that whole story. Can I just say you and your family turned out to be some of the lucky ones. How terrifying!!!

And happy birthday eve to your sweet Drew Drew.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Little Miracle...we're all so glad you survived on that very scarey day. You're precious and a perfect little cutie to carry on the family name. We love you very much!

Cyn said...

Hey Molly, Thinking about you today! I hope you are enjoying the little things today!!! Love you bunches!!!

Anonymous said...

Nicely done. I love to hear about how mom's feel about their babies' birthday. I remember the phone call from the hospital the next day very clearly. I can't believe it was two years ago. I have enjoyed watching he and Izzy grow together. Thanks for letting us be a part of it.