Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It Was A Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Well, it sure started off as such.

I woke up sick.

Someone, who shall remain nameless, did not shut the freezer completely after *he* had ice cream last night. So, I had to clean out the entire freezer while I was trying to make a 3 year old heart shaped pancakes! Can anyone tell me for what reason I felt 7 boxes of popsicles were necessary to have all at once, or why I didn't have them stored in the garage freezer? Thankfully I didn't lose any of the meat, but a bunch of other stuff is history. Pete now tells me the freezer is so much easier to close.

So, feeling like crap I knew that I was going to have to put on my best mommy face to make it through the day. We didn't have school today and dance wasn't until 3:30 so the morning was spent at home. We moved some toys out of the playroom and into the family room just cause. Typically this is only done on Sunday so Pete can watch football and entertain the troops.

Everything was going quite smoothly until Izzy decided to smack Drew upside the head with a piece of the train set. I heard the clunk, saw the toy buzz past his head, and then heard the wailing. I immediately told Izzy to get in a timeout. She told me that she didn't want to. Oh, not a good response. I told her it was a timeout or an extended visit in her room. Time out it was.

From the time out spot Izzy is screaming that she is going to miss her show and that she is hungry. Gee, guess you should have thought about that before you whacked Drew, eh? Sobbing continues and Drew decides to brush his teeth. Fine. I put toothpaste on two brushes and get him set up in the bathroom. He likes to be double fisted ;)

I retrieve Izzy from time out and in Supernanny style I remind her why she was in time out, ask for an apology, and then give her a big I love you hug. Next she needs to apologize to Drew. So we head back to the bathroom where Drew is pouring cupfuls of water onto the floor! I scoop Drew up, tell him what he is doing wrong and put him in a time out. I can hear Izzy crying and saying "but he is just a baby and he doesn't know any better. Mommy, don't put Drew in a time out." Good grief! Drew gets out from time out and goes right back into the bathroom. I am hoping enough time has elapsed and my explanation will keep him from doing it again. No such luck. The little booger does it again while looking me dead in the eye. I pick him up, pop his behind (and I don't spank - I think I have only done it 3 times to Izzy and I can only recall 2 of those times, but thought I should say 3 just cause I am sure I am forgetting an incident) and put him in his crib.

Here she is waiting for Drew to get out of his time out

You can only imagine the lecture I get from a still crying Izzy when I come back downstairs. I tell her that I appreciate she is worried about Drew and I love her for loving him so much, but that we need to teach him right from wrong. She kind of understands and stops whimpering. I get Drew and bring him downstairs. I set him in the chair next to her and she immediately hugs the life out of him while telling him it is okay. I LOVE that she loves him so much. I am worried for her because I see so much of myself in her. I was the girl who cried in school if the teacher scolded another student. Lord help Izzy!

Once we were all loved up again and in good spirits we had lunch. I then put Drew down for a nap at 12 and Izzy and I played a bit and then went for quiet time in my room at 1. Izzy watched tv and I napped. At 2 we all got up and got ready to head to dance!

I wanted to include some pictures of happier times from this past weekend. It wasn't all ugly over here...good times were had.

Play-doh fun! Izzy made a caterpillar

Drew tried to eat the play-doh...

Some funny faces...the kids thought that they were HYSTERICAL.


Since Drew likes to dress up in Izzy's frocks. We let Izzy wear Drew's flight suit. Being the little lady she is, she paired it with heals. And of course no outfit is complete without the Disney Princess cell phone.

Enjoying a horsey ride...


And perhaps Izzy's favorite activity was the life size picture we did of her. First we traced, then we colored.


So, when the days are ugly and the nights are long....I will try to remember the good times. ...and if a glass of wine helps, then so be it! Now I leave you with a picture of Izzy sucking on her big toe. This always gets a laugh from brother Drew.



Kristin said...

I'm sorry you weren't feeling well and had all that to deal with.

I love how much Izzy cared about Drew and his timeout. So sweet.

The pics are all great. I love the life size Izzy. The last time we tried that one we ran out of finger paint. Perhaps it's time for another go. :)