Thursday, September 11, 2008


How I do love these two...

BUT, why is it that the moment I sit down and try to enjoy an adult beverage, and have a conversation with another adult my kids have to ruin it? Are the other 8 hours that I have spent playing with them today just not enough?

I told you that rain or shine we were leaving the house after naptime, right? Well, we headed over to Stephanie and Rylie's house for some good old fashioned fun. You know the kind...the kind your parents used to have. You go over to someone elses house and are forced to play with the kids so the moms can sit and have a drink :) We tried. We failed. Well, we made it through one glass of wine.

Izzy whined to go downstairs if we were up. We went downstairs she wanted to go home. Could she not just play with all the fun toys? Toys that we don't own so they therefore should entertain her? Drew was fine. Give that boy a new toy and some food and he is in heaven. But even Drew asked to go home at one point.

As I type this entry my sweet sweet cherubs are eating dinner. Happily. Drew is also saying "I go back to Rylie's how-wus". Too late kid!

That's all I have to say. I just wanted to feel sorry for myself for a moment. I give give give to the rugrats and they can't even let me enjoy a couple glasses of wine and some nice conversation. least not tonight.

Never fear fans - I will try again. Soon!