Monday, September 22, 2008

Kid Free Weekend

Well, for me anyway.

This past weekend 6 girlfriends and I headed to the beach! We planned this a couple months ago and I would be lying if I didn't say that I was nervous about leaving Pete and the kids. I am happy to say that everyone had a great time.

We arrived on Friday around dinner time and immediately decided to head out to dinner. It was so nice to go to a restaurant where we had a drink in the bar while we waited for our table. Do you know our table didn't even have crayons with the menu? Imagine that! After dinner we went back to the house and just sat around, drank and chatted until almost 3 am. Saturday we were all up by 8:30 and then just leisurely got ready for a day of shopping. We shopped all day and then ordered pizza for dinner. Again, we stayed up until 3 drinking...but we also played games. Sunday we were up by 8:30, cleaned up some and got ready to head home.

My weekend was wonderful and it gave me a chance to reflect on so many different areas of my life. I will forever be thankful to my husband for encouraging me to go and taking such good care of my babies while I was away. With fondness I will remember the awesome group of woman who I shared my first kid free weekend with! I know that I talked too much - hence sharing more than any of them probably wanted to know - but hopefully they still like me and will vacation with me again some day.

Pete and the kids did GREAT while I was away. I really don't know who I was more worried about. Pete or the kids? I think it was that I was worried the kids would be asking about me or whining for me to much and therefore annoy Pete. It wasn't even so much Izzy as it was Drew. Isabelle knew that I would be gone for a couple days and was really okay with it. I think she was excited to help watch Drew - she loves to be my helper, especially when it comes to Drew. Drew however is in a mommy phase. He loves his mommy something fierce and the week leading up to me leaving he was particularly clingy. So, are you wondering what my family did with me gone?

Friday after naptime Pete took the kids to the mall. I am pretty sure dinner that night was soft pretzels and cookies. Saturday Pete had the kids in the car pretty early heading to the zoo. He even remembered a fully stocked diaper bag and the double jogger. Saturday night he took the kids to Target and bought them each a toy for being so great. Isn't that cute. He told Izzy how much he appreciated all her help and wanted her to pick out a special toy. She choose "Puppy in my Pocket" which she has been wanting for over a month. She also picked out a gift to give Drew on his birthday. Drew got a Batmobile. He calls it his "Batman Oatmeal" - I need to just dedicate a post to that so I remember it always. I love it!

Sunday I think they played all morning and then had naps and quiet time. I arrived home about 4:00. I didn't arrive empty handed as I brought a pirate hat home for each kid. They have had lots of fun playing pirate and saying "Arrhh Matey".

Oh, and another highlight was the night I got home Drew ate chicken! Chicken and steak all in one week. Yeah Drew!!!