Monday, September 8, 2008

Three and Out

Well, day three of school came and went without a hitch. I am hoping it is safe for me to assume it will be smooth sailing for the rest of the year. I am sure there will be situations that will be blog worthy, but hopefully nothing to dramatic.

Heading out the door

I wanted to mention a couple things regarding school. On Friday, Izzy's teacher sent home a group picture of her class so that we could work on connecting names with faces of classmates. Isn't that such a great idea? We have had fun all weekend working on them...but there is still one boy's name we don't know.

Also, we ran into one of Izzy's teachers at the grocery store over the weekend. I think Izzy is shocked that teachers actually live outside of the school. Anyway, the teacher immediately asked Izzy for a hug and began a conversation with her. She also had Izzy introduce her little brother - which she did ever so proudly! Then her teacher gave her a big squeeze before saying goodbye. Izzy talked about seeing her all weekend!

one last school note -this year at school Izzy has an option to stay later on Wednesdays for a music program. Her class has music once a week, but this is additional if we want to take advantage of it. Apparently her music teacher is fantastic and runs a camp in the summer that kids come from near and far to attend :) Anywho, the teacher called on Friday to tell me the program would start the first week in October. She then asked to talk to Izzy. Huh? You mean on the phone? I handed the phone to Izzy and it was so neat for me to listen to her talk. She has talked on the phone plenty, but it is usually to grandparents or aunts and uncles.

After we dropped Izzy off at school Drew and I headed to meet a friend for coffee and drop my car off for an oil change. Drew and I are both feeling under the weather so when the guy told me it would be 90 min. I opted to come back another day. Drew was also crying, "Go back in Mama's car. Go home. Go back in Mama's car now." Poor little guy was completely out of sorts.

Once home, Pete told me that he cancelled his appointments for the day to take care of me. LOVE HIM! He then took my car to get the oil changed, an emissions test, and have the a/c looked at. He said he could work from Starbucks or McAlister's so no worries. He has been there almost 4 hours...

Now we are home and Izzy is eating lunch and Drew has been quietly playing in his room for 25 min. I just checked on him and he is sitting next to his bookshelf going through all his books and playing with this old toy that I just rotated out for him.

One more thing...I just put Drew down for a nap and came downstairs to find that Izzy had made a "mobile", as she calls it, with a daddy hanging from it. Do you think Pete has reason to worry?