Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Last night as I was sitting on the couch, Drew turns to me and asks, "Mama, can I eat my booger?"

With a chuckle of disgust I say, "Oooh, no. We don't eat boogers. That's just gross Drew. Gross! "

Drew opens his mouth, sticks out his tongue which clearly has a booger on it, and says, "puh-lease Mom! I just eat this one booger. PUH-LEASE!" It was if he was simply asking for me to please just say yes so he could shut his mouth and swallow.

I've said it lots lately...he's gross!

So once Pete got home and I was retelling him the story Drew chimed in that we don't eat boogers because it is "gross. gross, gross, gross!" Exactly kid, so why did you even ask the first time?


Christie said...

Ok, that was really gross!