Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cast Update

Today began with Izzy going to school. Hooray! I took her in her stroller and apparently she stayed in it all day (3 hours). When I dropped her off I told both Izzy and the teachers that if she wanted to leave to just call me and I would pick her up. I had a feeling once she got into the swing of things she would be fine. Today was also Show and Share and she LOVES show and share day. She was not able to stay for Lunch Bunch and Jingle Jam however because she had a doctor's appointment.

The doctor ordered another set of x-rays to see how she was healing. Report: Looks wonderful! Izzy will have another set of x-rays taken on March 11th and if all looks good then the cast will be removed. 1 week down and 3 weeks to go.

While we were there the doctor made a comment that Izzy has the cleanest white cast he has ever seen on a 4 year old. He also commented that he expects he will be seeing Drew for a cast in the near future. Once I turned Drew loose out of his stroller he was a madman! He wasn't misbehaving, he just would not stop moving. He is a climber, a risk taker, and not smart enough to recognize danger. Yup, he will be fit for a cast soon.

When we got home Izzy had received a fun letter from our friend Lauri Lyn and her son Tyler. They made her a card and sent her a gazillion stickers! Thanks guys, as you can see Izzy LOVED decorating herself.

Look...we now have a PINK cast!


This picture I had to save because I think her "good" leg looks so long - which is so not how I see Izzy. Do you think it could have anything to do with the fact that her other leg is bent and I haven't seen her stand upright in a week?


Christie said...

I love that the pink cast coordinates with the outfit she is wearing : )

Corey~living and loving said...

I will say it again. She is just the bestest little girl EVER! She sure is taking this well. I am so proud of her.