Monday, February 9, 2009

Then & Now

This picture was taken in August 2005


This picture was taken February 2009


Izzy used to sleep with her blanket pulled up over her head quite often as an infant. I might go so far to say that she did it as a defense mechanism once she started daycare. In Denver, once Pete left for training, Izzy went to daycare two days a week while I worked. I had not seen her sleep like this since we moved. Three days ago I looked in on her before bed and saw her this way. Then again for the next two nights. I have a theory, but am going to give it a few more days before I share it.

Here is a picture just cause it is cute. The kids got these capes for Christmas and insisted on wearing them to the birthday party yesterday.


Cute, huh?


Kristin said...

LOVE those those sleeping pics. I'm very interested in your secret theory.

~aj~ said...

Where did the capes come from? They are SUPER cute!

I sometimes like to sleep under my pillow, so I can see the appeal to being under a blankie.