Monday, February 23, 2009

A Visit From Grandpa Dave

Grandpa Dave came to visit us this past weekend.


We were very excited because it was his first trip to our abode in NC. Truth be told, my poor dad doesn't really get to spend as much time with his grandkids as the other grandparents. It seems that whenever we visit Cleveland he only gets a couple hours here and there. Poor guy. So, we were sooooooo happy he was able to come and hang with us for a weekend.

Due to Izzy's limited mobility we really didn't do much of anything. That's okay, Grandpa Dave was just happy to hang and play with the kids. He brought some great gifts for all of us. Izzy's shapes and color Bingo was a hit with the whole crew. Many many bingo games were played over the course of his visit.


Drew proved to be in rare form and kept us all thoroughly entertained the entire weekend. My dad had trouble keeping up with all of Drew's many character roles.


Grandpa Dave left today, but not before he took Izzy to school with me. Izzy was super excited for GD to see her school and meet her teachers and some of her friends. Check out her fun striped sock over her cast. The kids at school were so funny when they saw Izzy today thinking she had a new striped cast. Izzy just giggled this silly little giggle and told them "it is just a sock guys" ;)
