Wednesday, February 4, 2009

More on Drew

This kid may very well give me gray (or is it grey) hair. So yesterday was a "snow day" here. Izzy doesn't go to school on Tuesday so it was no big deal. By 9:15 Delaney and gang were all here. Around 11, Rylie had joined our party. So, there were 3 moms, and 5 kids hanging out having a good time. Pete was also home and would pop out of his office to say hi and update us on his new facebook friends.

Anywho, Jen left with Mia around 11:30, but Delaney stayed to play. After the girls, and Drew, had lunch, Stephanie and I sat down at the counter to eat. While eating Drew came into the kitchen with a cup of water in his hand. He took a sip; looked me dead in the eyes and then spit the water out. I calmly said to him, "Drew, we do not spit out water. If you spit water out again then you will sit in a time out." So...

Drew takes another sip of water and holds it in his mouth all the while looking at me. I calmly repeat, "Drew, do not spit out that water. You need to swallow it or else Mommy will put you in a time out" The booger spits it out. Here is the kicker...

I stand up to go put him in a time out and he starts to run in place and take another sip of water and then spit it out! He was laughing the whole time - almost like since he knew he was headed to a time out why not get one more quick spit of water out?

To time out for 2 minutes he went. Honestly, it really does not phase him. I almost feel like he is mocking me. He sits in time out, and remains quiet for the most part. When the timer goes off, he apologizes and says he is sorry. He knows the routine and almost just goes through the motions for my sake. Part of me just wants to be like screw the time outs cause he doesn't even care! But, I know he is just trying to establish boundaries so I will play along and let him know who is boss :)


~aj~ said...

Oh, he's a little stinker, isn't he?! Funny story though. :)

And you guys sure know how to enjoy a snow day!