Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Izzy Celebrates at School

On Monday, February 2nd, Izzy had school. She got to bring in a special birthday treat. Typically the teachers request healthy snacks, which I think is great, but I like that for special occasions the kids can bring a sweet treat.

Last year Izzy took the heart shaped sprinkled doughnuts from Krispy Kreme. This year she originally was going to take the same kind, but once she got hold of the chocolate sprinkled covered doughnuts from the day before she quickly changed her mind.

So, Drew and I dropped Izzy off at school and then headed out to pick up the doughnuts. We returned in time to catch the kids doing a craft/free play before joining them for her celebration snack. Izzy sure has a great class this year. The dynamic between the all the students is really sweet. I was looking at a calendar with Izzy and telling her which student was having a birthday next, and when I turned around all the students were silently standing behind me just listening.

So, after the kids cleaned up and got sanitized, Izzy hopped into the leader chair for us to sing Happy Birthday.


She also got to choose the which blessing the class would say before snack. She chose "God is Great Boogie". The teachers wanted Drew to sit next to Izzy, but he refused to move until they addressed him as "Alex". He character choice for the day Alex the lion from Madagascar.

Here he is sitting in his own chair.


Izzy told her teacher to call him Alex. As soon as the teacher said, "Alex, can you go sit by your sister?" he hopped right up and took a seat next to her.


Once all kids were seated for snack, we sang Happy Birthday one more time.


Drew took a seat right next to his big sister. It is hard for me to imagine him doing this next year. I am SO not ready to let him go :(


After snack, I had the chance to talk to Izzy's teachers about what class she should be placed in next year. We have a choice of 4 or 5day for 4 year olds. Registration is tomorrow and I am really undecided as to what I want to do. I either want 4 days for Izzy and 2 for Drew or 5 for Izzy and 3 for Drew. At first I thought I wanted 4/2 so that Fridays we could just chill. BUT ...then I think about Izzy going to full day kindergarten the following year and think maybe I should sign her up for 5 days? I can always keep the kids home on some Fridays for a break, right? The flip side is that Drew will be in the 2 year old class, but turning 3 a month after school starts. So...I think he would be better off in the 3 day cause it typically consists of the "older" 2's. Let's face it, there is a big difference between age 2 and 3. One last thing, if Drew goes 3 days a week then he will have the teachers Izzy had last year and I love them! You will have to stay posted for tomorrow blog entry to see what days we ended up with. I am so conflicted! Can you tell?

Well, Izzy's teachers think I should put her in 5 day. I think to help prepare her for kindergarten and she will "mesh" better with those teachers? I heard the 5 day teachers are really really great. Very kind, caring, compassionate, gentle, and do a great job trying to get the kids ready for school, all while having lots of goofy fun. And honestly, I just want her to have fun. I want her to LOVE school. She would probably go 5 days a week this year if I let her. Everyday she asks if today is a school day and is upset when I tell her no.

Okay, this wasn't supposed to turn into an entry about school, but rather Izzy's school celebration. Here is one last shot from the day. This is the best shot her teacher could get of the three of us - and she took like 10!
