Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wii Fun

My super fabulous BIL and SIL loaned us a Wii just before Christmas with the option to buy. We really weren't sure whether or not we would get much use out of it. Heck, it took us a good month before we even opened the box. I think the first night we used it was on Christmas.

While we still weren't sure if we were hooked or not, we went ahead and bought some games- Pete said not to post anything on the blog because we still haven't committed to buying it yet. We got Dance Dance Revolution and Dora Saves the Snow Princess for Izzy. Pete is a total sap because he went to just buy DDR for me for my birthday, but because he had Izzy with him she talked him into Dora. I am sure the conversation went something like this:

Izzy: Daddy look, there is a Dora game.
Pete: Do you want it?
Izzy: sure.
Pete: Okay.

Sap I say. Total sucker for his girl.

Since then we have also purchased We Ski. Let me tell you that I think I had just as much fun watching Pete and the kids play, as they actually did skiing. I just want to say that Izzy is a natural "gamer". With the Dora game she is able to get it set up and play all on her own. I find that pretty impressive for a chick her age :)

The players: Izzy is on the left and Drew is on the right. Both kids designed their own Mii player. Here they are taking the lift to the top.

Pete pointing out some tips on proper form

Ready to hit the slopes

Every once in a while Izzy finds it funny to run into other skiers

They really do look funny when concentrating so hard



Do you like that Drew continues to sport his Buzz Lightyear Hat :)


I finally got Drew to give up a controller so that my two gamers could really tear up the slopes.

...Drew and I retreated to the kitchen so I could write a check to BIL and SIL cause it looks like the Wii is a keeper!