Sunday, February 15, 2009

Her Maiden Voyage

Well, the last few days have been quite hectic as you can probably imagine.

Thursday night was the unfortunate leg breaking incident.

Friday morning found us up at 7. That wouldn't be too bad except for the fact that Izzy didn't go to bed until after 11. She had a couple night wakings, but neither lasted too long. Her leg was hurting and she couldn't get comfortable. A couple other times I heard her say, "Mama, I love you" at random moments. She really is so very sweet.

So, that morning we got up and went to Izzy's school Valentine party. We just stopped by to hand out her Valentines and wouldn't you know I forgot half of them! I had to finish up her Valentines for her that morning and when I put them in a bag I forgot to add the ones she had signed herself. The teachers saved me by giving me some random goodies to put in the kids treat bags. Once we left school we headed to various Redbox stands to find some movies for the day. After that a quick trip to Toys R Us was in order. Pete said to buy Izzy whatever she needed/wanted and so off we went. Drew picked out a guitar so he could be Rooney Doodle and Izzy picked a $4.99 princess ball. Finally we headed back home for lunch and naps. I really wanted a nap, but no one else did :( At 3:30 my savior Stephanie came over with Riley to watch my kids so I could keep my hair cut/color appointment. Friday evening then found us all curled up watching Madagascar 2 before heading to bed.

Saturday quickly turned into a long and busy day. Since it was Valentine's Day we started the morning with the kids in our bed opening presents. I had planned on giving them some roller blades that I bought them as Christmas gifts and never game them, but due to the circumstances I had to scramble and find something else. Luckily I have lots of loot hidden that I have stocked up on. So the kids both got really cool flashlights (just like the one Izzy got when Drew got his Handy Manny Toolbox), a new book and then another small activity. Drew got ABC Dr. Seuss flashcards and Izzy got a very cool reusable princess sticker learning book. Pete and I got Starbucks :)

After breakfast Izzy and I headed out for some retail therapy. Our first stop was Toys R Us. Izzy said she wanted a guitar like Drew and of course Pete said "sure" :) From there we headed to the mall. I was looking for some clothing that would fit over Izzy's cast. I didn't do too well. I got a skirt and pair of really loose capris. I think a trip to Target or Walmart will be in order for some clearance pants that I can cut if need be. We also went to Claire's for some fun legwarmers and socks to wear over her cast.

We made a quick stop home and then had to head out to a birthday party. Wouldn't you know it was Delaney's party (her best friend) and it was at an indoor tumble place. We got there and Izzy immediately got sad and said that she couldn't do anything. My heart broke and I told her we would find something she could do! Thankfully we did the parachute and then she was able to pull herself up and crawl on some other things. Finally she got to be put in a harness and swung. I wish I had pictures because it was really cool and she asked to do it again, but each child only got one turn. I am hoping to get a few parents together so we can "rent" the place out for an end of the year school party.

That brings us to today. Pete has taken Izzy to the zoo while Drew and I stayed behind to clean.

We are on day three of the cast and Izzy has been a trooper all the way. I could not be more proud of how well she is handling her inability to move. Today is the first day that she hasn't had significant pain and hopefully she will soon learn how to get around a bit on her own. So far she has crawled a little bit but not too much more. She is able to balance upright while leaning on something so that I can wash her off. I have yet to wash her hair, but figure I will have to do so tomorrow. My plan is to wash her hair in the kitchen sink while she lays on the counter. I did order her a cast cover so that I can put her in the shower/bath.

Tonight we are heading to some friends house to play. Stephanie and I are "babysitting", if you will, for a friend who has a birthday dinner to attend and needed a sitter. So, Stephanie and I are going to do it together. It should be fun. Our friends have one of the most fun playrooms EVER!

I leave you with a picture of Izzy making her maiden voyage in her cast. She crawled from the family room floor to the bathroom (let me tell you how difficult going to the bathroom with a full let cast is for a girl!). ...she always has a smile. Gosh I love her!



Christie said...

I think it is going to be a loooong 4-6 weeks! But Izzy really is such a trooper - look at that smile!

Corey~living and loving said...

oh me oh scary.

I can't believe you are out and about doing so much. I'd be feeling sad and sorry for her and I...and pouting at home. LOL

~aj~ said...

She is one brave girl...look at her sweet smile!

I hope this time passes quickly and that she will be able to walk around on it soon. When Adam broke his, it took him almost 2 weeks to get that figured out (but he was also a lot younger...only 17 months). I bet she'll be able to soon.

((HUGS)) to Izzy (and her parents too!)!