Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 4 & 5 With Cast

Originally Izzy said she wanted to go to school on Monday, but once it came time to get ready she had changed her mind. Fine by me, let's stay home!

I wish that I had some exciting things to report, but I do not. We did crafts most of the day. I knew there was a reason I saved popsicle sticks. Izzy made lots of rafts today - I think one for every friend she has. I really did very little as she was content to just glue and cut away.


We also worked on her birthday thank-yous. I addressed all the envelopes while she got to putting stickers on her note cards. I was then going to write the thank you and she would finish them by signing her name and sealing them. Well, things didn't go as planned because when I checked on her she was sealing them all up. Oh well, I can't be upset because she was working so hard and it kept her busy for quite a while. I also can't possibly mail them so it looks like I will have to now go write them all on my own. I can't possibly make her redo them. ...and look how proud she is.


Izzy got lots of fun tub toys for her birthday. Unfortunately she can't take baths these days so we had to get creative. Here she is with her tupperware Barbie pool.


When I put Drew down for a nap I decided to wash Izzy's hair. We set up our make-shift salon right in our kitchen.


For the record, Drew decided not to nap for the 4th day in a row! But look how cute he is - you would never know the kid didn't nap.


Monday afternoon Stephanie and RC were kind enough to come over so I could run to Costco. I figure I can do the grocery store with a double stroller and only getting a couple things, but there was no easy way to do Costco. When I came home from Costco everyone jumped out from various hiding spots and yelled "surprise"! They had some really silly hats on that they made while I was gone.

Tuesday morning found us doing more of the same. Crafts, crafts and more crafts!



We also had a couple visitors. Delaney stopped by and brought Izzy a movie and Katerina stopped by and brought all sorts of fun "sitting" activities (puzzle, coloring book/crayons, book and stickers). Izzy also got some fun presents in the mail from our friends Todd and Alisa in Denver. She got Fancy Nancy colorforms, a coloring book and a cool princess book with stickers. Thanks friends, you sure are helping Izzy feel better by keeping her spirits up!

So tonight Pete will be having dinner out for work so the kids and I are meeting up with some friends for dinner. Three moms and 5 kids 4 and under. Good times! ...I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.

Izzy's attitude to date is still spectacular! We have yet to have one meltdown, though I am not naive to think it won't happen. Last night also marked the first night Izzy slept back in her bed. She did great. No night wakings and slept til almost 7:30. She has told me she wants to go to school tomorrow for show and share. I am undecided as to whether I will take her for the entire day or just part? She also has a follow up appointment with the doctor tomorrow afternoon.



~aj~ said...

It sounds like Izzy is doing really, really well...thank goodness!

So wonderful that you have so many friends to help you out (and provide fun gifts!) during this time.