Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Random Boring Stuff

Not too much has been going on here since my dad left on Monday. Yesterday we hung out at home until 2 and then headed to the mall to return some stuff. While there I bought myself a pair of shoes that were 70% off at Dillard's. ...only to then be told as I was leaving the store that today everything already marked down would be an additional 40% off. So, the shoes I bought yesterday for $28 were returned and rebought today for $17. I have no idea where I will wear the cute little patten leather wedge shoes, but for $17 who cares?

After we left the mall we went to Stephanie's for some playtime fun - they had met us at the mall and Stephanie got two pairs of shoes for $34...which today she rebought for $20!

Today, Wednesday, Izzy had school, lunch bunch and then jingle jam. She agreed to stay for jingle jam if her friend Sarah was staying. Thankfully Sarah was staying cause I had lots to do! It is not easy to run errands with Izzy in a cast - no place to put her?

Once back home, Izzy was surprised to find 3 packages and two letters waiting for her. This broken leg sure brings out the nice in people ;) She has been SO happy receiving so many well wishes, cards and packages.

Opening some of her loot from today

Working on a really cool crystal bead mirror craft that Aunt Jaclyn and Uncle Mike send (Uncle Mike, your wife rocks and sent some really great stuff! She totally went overboard and we love her for it. Thanks guys!)
I will need to post a picture of her finished mirror once it dries. She worked on it for nearly an hour because it involved lots of gluing and tiny little beads. It took every once of self control for me not to pick out the mismatched beads. By the end so many colors were intermingled that I just had to look away. All that matters is that she had fun, right ;)

Here is one of the sweetest pictures ever. Drew is trying to give up his nap. In fact he only takes 2-3 a week lately. Part of me is hoping it is because we have not been nearly as active as we usually are since Izzy got her cast, but the other part knows he may just be trying to give it up. Unfortunately he won't sit still for quiet time like Izzy. Anyway, one afternoon when Drew wouldn't nap, I left to run some errands. When I came home, I found Drew snuggled up next to Pete asleep. A piece of me was SO sad because he never just snuggles up and falls asleep while watching tv with me. Still a sweet picture nonetheless.


Look at this face. I just love him!
Okay, so maybe it isn't the best sleeping picture...looking up his nose and all, but he is still cute ;)

And perhaps one of my most favorite moments from this past weekend was me walking in and seeing this site.


Almost two years ago we bought a Shrek movie that came with a Shrek 3-D movie included. Well, they busted it out and it was a huge hit!


Alisha said...

Everything about that last picture is just precious... except Pete's poor pitiful visor. ;)

Anonymous said...

What's Alisha? A Hoosier fan? A Hawkeye fan? Or in Ohio State terms, a bye week.....

Alisha said...

Hilarious!!! Don't be offended Pete, you know I'm your favorite little Boilermaker. It's just that Ohio State fans were CRUEL to me once on a flight home from Phoenix (I was wearing a Purdue sweatshirt) and I still have a sour taste in my mouth.
Here's a little reading material for you:
You can thank me later. :)

~aj~ said...

Love the pics of Drew sleeping. He gets red-cheeked just like my Drew!