Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Boys are Gross at Any Age

Boys are icky. ...and it starts at a very young age!

Despite Drew's love of singing, dancing, tutus, and role playing, he is all boy. He, like most males, finds it hysterical to burp, fart and pick boogers. So tonight we are having a nice family dinner around the dining room table and here is what happens:

Drew burps, and then laughs at himself.
Molly: "Drew, after you burp you need to say excuse me."
Drew: "Excuse me. can I laugh?" ...and he busts up laughing at himself and so do we.

I am the first to admit that I have a really have a hard time disciplining Drew. He is so darn funny and so stinkin cute! Thank goodness his sister sets such a good example.


...and handsome guy got a haircut today. Pete took him and said he whined a bit, but the barber is awesome and cuts his hair in like 4 minutes!


Anonymous said...

oh wow...he does looks so cute! he just cracks me up!