Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Valentine Tree

When Pete and I lived in our apartment in Denver, we didn't have the room or money for a Christmas tree. So, I bought us a small fake tree for Christmas 2002.

Fast forward to February 2009 and here it is

It is now our Valentine's Day Tree. As goofy as it sounds, and as much as Pete hates that I didn't let him pack it away with the Christmas decorations, Izzy had so much fun decorating it.

We cut out hearts, painted on some glue, and then went to town with the glitter.




My thought behind keeping the tree out year round is...well, why not? Izzy loves to do crafts and at least it will be fun to make decorations for on various holidays, right? She was so proud as I handed her the heart ornaments and she ran into the other room to hang them on the tree. Drew was the only one allowed in the toy room with her while she was decorating. Pete and I had to wait for the big reveal.

The final product not only had the hearts we made on it, but also a couple personal touches from the decorators.

A bug box was Izzy's personal touch
She told me then the bugs will have some place to rest while they look at our tree. Ummm, how many bugs are we expecting?

Here is the personal touch that Izzy chose to add for Drew

Tomorrow we are all going to a really fun birthday party at the Science Center. It will be a great day to be outside as we are expecting temps in the mid 60's. Hopefully I will have time to share all those pictures tomorrow evening!


Christie said...

That is such a cute idea!

Anonymous said...

Izzy...what a beautiful job on the Valentine tree. In the picture in front of the cookie tray where you are looking at the camera look like a miniature MOLLY!
Drew.. you can do so many things by yourself now. Also, we see how many teeth you grew!
Continued great job on the blog Molly. We're enjoying it! Love, G & G