Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Positive Reinforcement

There are certain times that I think I am actually doing a pretty decent job raising my kiddos :)

I was just upstairs getting ready for the day and I heard Izzy say to Drew, "Drew, just try the egg. You might like it, or you might not, but you won't know until you take a taste. If you don't like it then you don't need to eat it. It will make Mommy really happy if you take a taste. Mommy will be so proud of you for trying it, Drew."

I came downstairs to find a couple of bites of egg on the floor. Drew told me, "I taste Izzy's egg and I spit it on the floor! I not yike eggs!"

Bless the child for trying and for his great sister for encouraging him to try a bite. I just love them to pieces!

On a side note: Drew ate a TON of salmon the other night for dinner, while Izzy chowed down on half a ribeye steak. I don't know if Drew liked the salmon or the big deal we were making out of him eating it? Regardless I was over the moon he was eating something so very good for him! Slowly we keep trying new foods and some days they like them, and other days they don't. Heck, some days they don't even like the foods that are my surefire goto foods.


Corey~living and loving said...

I really love it. It sure sounds like you are doing right by them. :)

Anonymous said...

how sweet