Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sweet Sweet Izzy

Izzy's birthday party is tomorrow afternoon and she is quite excited. This evening while tucking her into bed she told me that she wanted to open her presents at her birthday party (her party is at a bounce house place). I would really prefer that she does not do this but simply told her that if there is time then she could. I don't expect there to be time so hopefully it won't be an issue.

Onto the sweet sweet Izzy part...

I mentioned to her that she would be getting presents from her friends and that she needed to remember to thank every one for them. I also said, "you may get more than one of the same present, but you still need to say thank you." I thought by the look she gave me she was confused so I continued on and said, "if you do get two of the same thing then we could either take one back to the store and choose something else, or you might want to keep both of them. Like if you get two of the same book then you might want to take one back, but if you get two of the same Barbie then you might want to keep both of them so you have one for your friends to play with when they come over. Regardless you still need to say thank you to all your friends." ...her it comes...

She kept looking at my with this puzzled look in her eyes and then said, "but Mama, I will love all the presents because they are from my friends." How sweet is she?

Tomorrow I will tell you how she now hides her toys that she doesn't want Drew to play with :)

Oh, and keep reading as I already did an earlier post today!