Saturday, February 14, 2009

Izzy's Unforgettable Birthday Party

...and what a party it was! Izzy's 4th birthday party will be a day that none of us will ever forget - except for maybe Drew?

Izzy invited her entire class as well as 4 other friends to a party at an indoor bounce house facility. We had the bounce area for 1 hour and then the party room for 45 min. The kids had SO much fun running, bouncing, jumping and sliding. Things couldn't have been going better for the first 55 minutes.





And taking a quick breather. I just love how rosey red Izzy's cheeks are - she was playing hard!



I was in the party room getting the food, drinks, cupcakes, etc. ready for the gang when I heard Izzy's cries. Pete was carrying her and she was clearly very upset and injured. He passed her over and she just kept grabbing her leg and telling me it hurt. What she couldn't do was pinpoint an exact spot. Thankfully for us, one of the little girls in Izzy's class came with her daddy. Guess what, her daddy is a doctor in the ED! He came in to have a look at her leg. While Izzy screamed, he tried to feel around on her leg to see if he felt anything. He said he didn't feel any hot spots.

Well, I wasn't sure if Izzy was seriously hurt or if she was just hurt and very emotional so I tried to continue on with the party. I set her down a couple times and tried to feed her, but each time she would be okay for a minute and then start crying again.

Look how sad she is :(

Drew is oblivious to everything going on around him. He is perfectly happy with some pizza.

I started to become more concerned because as I would carry her, if my hip would make contact with her heel then she would cry harder. I walked over to the good doctor and started talking to him and as we were talking he watched as I wiggled Izzy's toes (without her knowing) and tried to move her foot/leg. Well, when I went to apply pressure to the top of her foot she lost her mind! At this point it was suggested we take her for x-rays.

Of course I was upset to leave the guests, but it was a group of mom's (and the doctor) so they all understood. Dr. J called the hospital to see who was on call in the ED. He alerted them that we were on our way. Pete stayed behind with Drew to clean up and say goodbye to the party guests before heading to the hospital to meet us.

We got to the ED at the hospital and things moved quite quickly. We got into a room within 5 minutes and then were quickly taken for x-rays. Dr. J dropped his daughter off at home and then met us at the hospital. How awesome was that? Izzy's tibia was broken just below her knee. As far as the break goes we are fortunate that it is a clean break which is expected to easily heal.

So, Izzy got a very boring plain hospital white cast. I guess that is all that is available in the ED. If she ruins it for some reason and we need a new one then we can pick a color.

So, we headed home to get Izzy settled and finally open presents. Thank goodness we had presents for the little lovey to open after all that she had to endure.

Reading the card so that a proper thank you note would be sent.



Here is the one and only picture I got with my birthday girl. She is such a trooper!

Once she opened them all we headed up to our bedroom so she could camp out there for the night. I figured that we might be in for a long night. However, once she was asleep, at just after 11, she slept okay until 7 the next morning. Just a couple of night wakings due to not being able to roll over.

So the only thing that anyone may still be wondering is exactly how did Izzy break her leg? Well, we aren't really sure. How bout that? We know where she was, and what she was doing, but not how it happened. To the best of our knowledge she fell about 3-4 feet off an inflatable and must have landed exactly wrong. ...and her leg broke. Unfortunate as it was, and not a fun way to end a birthday, we are thankful it wasn't something more serious!


Christie said...

Wow. I am so glad Izzy is ok. That birthday party will definitely be remembered. I might just steer clear of the bouncy houses with Benjamin for awhile : ) And really - Dr. J. was so awesome to help and meet you at the ER. How lucky to have a doctor there at the party!

Kristin said...

Found it...

Poor poor baby!!! I'm so glad you guys had that "connection" to help you through the ED process and didn"t have to wait long.

Wow, 4-6 weeks in a cast. What an eventful birthday.

Anonymous said...

Oh, no! Timmy broke his arm a few years ago and had the same trouble sleeping. The cast is so hard and pokey!
So sorry to hear about Izzy, although it sounds like you caught it pretty quick, good for you! Most stories like this end with, "4days and ANOTHER set of x-rays later and we discovered it WAS broken." You and Pete have excellent parental "spidey sense." We can't write on your cast Izzy, but we will send stickers!
Izzy and Drew look so big! Big hugs to both!
Aunt Sue