Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back To School

Tonight I have Izzy's back to school orientation. I am not expecting any new news regarding the program, but I will get to meet this years teachers. Tomorrow Pete will take Izzy to her meet and greet where she will meet her teachers for the first time. A wise friend reminded me that I need to include Pete and relinquish some of my control :) I am comforted to know that a couple "friends" from last year will be in her class. Besides, I will take her on her first day - maybe we all will?

Like with all things new, change will come. A big change will be three mornings of just me and my little guy. I am SO excited to spend time with just him. He is at my most favorite age (aside from his tantrums) and I think we will have lots of fun together. I have vowed to have plenty Mommy and Drew time, but I also vow to get my house under control. I plan to get rid of all the old clothes, toys and clutter! Craigslist here I come.

First things first...the rain has let up today so here are some current backyard pictures.



The kids and I had a lazy morning and then just ran some errands. We hit up Michaels for some flexible poster board which will go on the wall of my "Mom Management Center" as well as $1 craft kits for the kids.

Izzy working on her butterfly.

My Management Center. I will have to see if Pete can clean up the wires after he installs my cork board.

Well, since I am posting this a day later than I typed it - I know need to go get Izzy ready for her meet and greet. More to come later today.


Kristin said...

This wise friend is soooooooooooo jealous of your mom management center. I so need one of those.