Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday Brunch

We have lived in our current house for almost three years, and for three years we have talked about going brunch nearby. Well, with Uncle Andy in town we finally remembered to do it!

But before we could head out the door we needed to brush our teeth.

You can't underestimate the power of proper oral hygiene


Andy was kind enough to try and take a family picture for us.



I tried to get a photo with Uncle Andy, but Drew would have no part of it.


Brunch was AMAZING and I know that we will be returning. I am not so sure that the resort will want us back however. Apparently when I let Drew down to walk back to our table after getting our food, I was given a dirty look and a comment was directed towards me by the manager. Honestly, he was simply walking back to our table. He was laughing and doing a little jig like dance, but he wasn't being naughty? At one point a few minutes later he did raise his voice, but he wasn't crying, screaming or yelling? Simply forgot to use his "inside voice". The manager came over to me and said, "Miss, I've opened the patio doors and if you take the kids outside there is a pond with goldfish in it." I turned to Andy (Pete and Izzy were getting food) and said, "That is his way of telling me to take my kids and leave." Now don't get me wrong, I am all for acting appropriately in a restaurant, and Pete or I typically do have to get up and walk around at some point, but Drew wasn't misbehaving. Heck, if the guy wanted to see bad then I should have hung around for a while longer.

It wasn't all bad though. The food was so yummy and there was so much to eat that one really did need to eat in "rounds". So, with Andy as the constant at the table, Pete and I traded off hanging out with the kids outside. Once Pete and I had three rounds of food we all met back at the table for dessert.

After brunch we came home where Pete, Andy, Drew and Izzy all took naps (that is two days in a row for Izzy). I ran a couple errands and just relaxed :) After naps we headed to the playground and then to Brusters for ice-cream. We got home just in time for a snack, books and one last show for the kiddos.

Andy and Pete just went to see The Dark Knight and I am enjoying a glass of wine while I type this blog entry.

Life is good.


Kristin said...

Mmmmm, I love brunch.

My children were loud at dinner last night. Not bad. Just loud. Apparently there are some restaurants where it is more acceptable than others.

I can't believe someone said something to you!