Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Yucks!

Two days ago Drew woke up covered in vomit. I attributed it to pool water he probably swallowed the night before mixed with an obscene amount of string cheese. Other than the fact that he stunk really bad and was a gross mess, he was acting perfectly fine. He did sleep until 11 that morning, but again, I rationalized it because he had skipped a nap two days earlier and needed to catch up on some sleep. Once I brought him downstairs, he ate breakfast, played with Izzy and was acting fine. So...we went to the pool for 6+ hours.

Well, yesterday I got an email from some friends we saw on Sunday. Her son had thrown up on Saturday, but she thought nothing of it due to the fact that her fridge had died earlier that day and he probably just ate something bad. Her email stated that she and her husband, as well as some family who had been visiting, all got sick too! At this point I wondered if Drew possibly had gotten that bug? The good news was that I was told it only lasts a few hours.

Onto tonight (2:00 am on Thursday)...Izzy comes into our room at 2:04 and asks to get in our bed. This happens in spurts, her waking in the middle of the night and coming into our room, so I lifted her into our bed. Having been through this before I know she will either fall right to sleep and then I carry her back to her bed or else after 15 min. of cuddles I take her back to bed. So after 10 min. she asks to go back to her room. Once there she tells me that she needs some medicine. It was at this point when I realized she might be sick. I oblige, cause what can it really hurt, and give her some motrin. She gives me a smile and a wave and off to my bed I go.

Not more than 5 min. later I hear her door open and Izzy runningdown the hall. She bursts into my room with "I'm gonna be sick!" I lift her up and carry her to my sink where she proceeds to throw up anything and everything in her tiny stomach. Thank goodness the motrin I gave her was clear! Pete grabbed a hairband to tie her hair back, it is now gross, and she and I proceed to go downstairs for some snuggles and tv. We watch about 30 min. before she asks to go back to bed. Okay, fine. I put her back to bed, check on her 5 min. later where appears to be asleep. Literally 2 min. later she screams, calls my name and I run to meet her in the hall where she has started to throw up again. I carry her to the bathroom and she is sick some more. The hardest part was her apologizing for throwing up on the floor. Pete has met us in the bathroom and tells her it is okay and he will clean it up. It is at this point that Izzy tells me, "I think I caught Drew's cold." I am not sure where that came from because Drew doesn't have a cold?

So, we grab a bucket and head downstairs for more tv. One hour later she requests to return bed. It is now around 4:30 or so. She finally falls asleep until 8:30. At 8:30 she wakes up and as soon as we come downstairs and she sees the bucket from the night before she starts gagging. Then the poor thing then grabs herself and tells me she has to go pee-pee. The little dear didn't have to go pee-pee :( Needless to say she is now wearing a diaper - for both my sake and her self esteem.

Okay, so here is the is almost NOON on Thursday morning and DREW IS STILL SLEEPING! What is going on in my house?

I will not be sharing pictures to go along with this post...and you should all thank me ;)

...oh, and as I was finishing up this entry Drew is awake! ...this probably means no nap?