Saturday, August 2, 2008

A New Day

I forgot to mention yesterday, what with all the anger I had directed at my oldest, that my "flu" was VERY short lived. I really think it had something to do with sucking down a large Sweet Tea from McDonald's in record time. Have you ever had one? They are very very sweet. Pete didn't get home til late. It was really weird because once he got home he didn't ask me how I was feeling or anything. Apparently he didn't get my text message, and I never left a voicemail message for him. He showed me his phone and sure enough no message was there. However, my phone had it in the sent box. I must have done something wrong between the throwing up and examination Izzy was giving me - all while on the toilet. Did I tell you that she broke out her doctor kit to exam me during my bathroom episode?

So, continuing onto yesterday afternoon. I am sad to report that Izzy did not improve her attitude after her extended bedroom timeout. While we were at the pool she took a handful of rocks and threw them onto the pavement. Not really a big deal as the kids do it often. I told her she would need to pick them up before coming back into the pool. She said "no". My response, "that is fine, but you may not come swimming with us until you pick them up." She started to walk away to play with something and I said "oh no honey, you need to sit here until you decide to pick up the rocks." She started to get mad and thankfully Pete had just arrived so I briefed him on our day and told him to sit with her and that she was NOT to get up unless she was willing to pick up the rocks. Only then was she to be allowed to move, and then swim. He sat with her and apparently she gingerly started picking up one rock at a time. He waited and waited. She then tried to coax him into helping her. He told her that he didn't make the mess and it was her responsibility to clean it up. Great. She finally cleans it up and is able to come swim.

Well, it is now Saturday morning and I decided that today is a new day. Maybe Izzy is still out of sorts from our travels? She was used to lots of interaction so maybe I need to slowly wean her back down to not so much "attention". Pete has class the morning so the kids and I have spent lots of time playing Play-Doh.

Lunch rolls around and everything is going so smoothly. We are even getting some cleaning done between our playing sessions. Yogurt, string cheese, raisins and pb&j are on the lunch menu today. Drew is in his highchair when I hear...Izzy saying "come quick Mom! Drew is eating with his hands and splashing yogurt!" Sure enough I get to Drew who is covered in yogurt, as is the highchair, floor, carpet next to him and part of the wall. He looks at me and says "I make mess. I make mess, Mama!". Booger is smiling too.

Pete is on his way home from class and after Drew's nap I think we will hit the pool. I am going to try and take the camera because we are due for some updated photos and video. Yesterday Drew started swimming, moving both arms and kicking legs, underwater to me. It absolutely amazes me.

If I am on top of my game I will post them later. Let's hope a day of play and "gentle reminders" for Izzy will get her back on her A-game.